“Life is too short
wear flats.”
- Vicky Nguyen
I’m an only child who birthed three girls. You might say that’s not enough or you might think it’s excessive. I’m astonished about it myself. I married a guy who played basketball while I cheered him on in high school. And college. Until we decided, somewhat sadly, basketball and cheerleading weren’t the careers we were destined for.
He still hoops, I still yell loudly.
We are a grateful bunch who enjoy trips to Costco, homemade meals, heated Pictionary battles and being best.
We’re all keeping it real except for in this ridiculously stylized photo shoot.
Just follow my social media for the gritty.
Watch “From Saigon to Silicon Valley”, a documentary covering the story of the story of how my family was sponsored to the United States and supported by generous, kind, incredible strangers.